Saturday, May 11, 2013

Protect Your Brain

Exercise, get some beauty rest, eat healthy foods, and use your critical thinking skills to prevent memory loss.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Dr. Oz's Plan to Lose 20 Pounds in a Year

Don't wait until New Year's Day to start a weight loss plan. Dieticians say that it's more effective when you start your weight lose regime today. So, what are you waiting for? Use the tips and tricks on my blog to get in shape. Here is a starter for you. Dr. Oz shared a list of food that will help you feel full and lose those pesky extra pounds. Good luck on your lifelong journey of being healthy! You can do it.

Dr. Oz's Grocery List

Always wondered if you're buying the right stuff from the grocery store? Well, Dr. Oz is here to help! His team made a list of 99 things that you should be eating on a regular basis.

Eat For Your Blood Type

Enjoy healthy snacks and meals that will prolong your life.

Heart Healthy Foods

Eating healthy foods is more important than exercising your body or your mind. So, what should you eat to protect your most valuable asset? Apples, whole wheat bread, broccoli, and berries will keep you energized throughout the day.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Best Workout Routines for Obese or Overweight Exercisers

This seems like an obvious choice, but there is a reason that walking tops the list of the best exercise for just about everyone. Walking requires very little equipment and it can be done almost everywhere. Walking is low impact, improves strength and mobility in the lower body, and can be performed at a range of different intensities.
If you are absolutely new to exercise, start by walking for just 10 or 15 minutes two or three times per day. Gradually add time so that you work towards one full 30-minute session. Don't worry about speed or pace in the beginning. Make consistency your goal.
Aqua Jogging
Water activities are particularly well suited for people who have painful joints or difficulty moving. But lap swimming is too intense for many people and water aerobics classes are not always available. A good alternative is aqua jogging.
Your feet shouldn't touch the bottom of the pool when you aqua jog. This may seem counter intuitive, but you move forward in your lap lane only by moving your legs against the water. It takes more effort than you might imagine, so start slowly and increase the duration of your workout as you begin to feel more fit.
Group Exercise Classes
One of the best ways to stick to an exercise program is to develop a social support system. Group exercise classes are a perfect place to find friends. But you'll want to be sure you find a class that meets your needs.
Greet the instructor on your first visit. Introduce yourself and explain that you are starting a new workout program. By connecting with her, you send a message that you are open to feedback and encouragement. The instructor may also provide extra guidance and modifications to make sure you are comfortable during class.
Strength Training
The benefits of strength training are extensive for everyone. But for an overweight exerciser, there are special benefits. Strength training can help to correct postural issues that may arise from carrying extra weight and helps to increase the range of motion in all of your joints. Building muscle also helps to boost your metabolism when your body is at rest.
If you join a gym, you might find that some strength training machines are not made to accommodate a larger body. Even if you don't hire a trainer, the gym staff should be able to show you how to adjust equipment or use alternate exercises to work each muscle group.
Tai Chi
Mind body exercise has become more accessible to the general public. Yoga, moving meditation and Qigong classes are easier to find. But sometimes they are difficult for overweight exercisers. Many balance-oriented yoga postures , for example, are difficult for people who are obese, because they have a different center of gravity.
As with any group exercise class, you should preview the program before you invest money. Ask the instructor if previous experience is necessary and what accommodations can be made for a new exerciser. Also, ask about the location. Some Tai Chi classes take place in outdoor parks or nature preserves. You'll want to be sure you are comfortable exercising in a public setting before you invest.

What is Wellness?

Wellness refers to a person's physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, occupational, environmental, and financial state.  Visit my blog to learn how to improve your overall wellness, and live a longer and better life!